MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 22 Chemical Coordination and Integration with Answers

Solving the Chemical Coordination and Integration Multiple Choice Questions of Class 11 Biology Chapter 22 MCQ can be of extreme help as you will be aware of all the concepts. These MCQ Questions on Chemical Coordination and Integration Class 11 with answers pave for a quick revision of the Chapter thereby helping you to enhance subject knowledge. Have a glance at the MCQ of Chapter 22 Biology Class 11 and cross-check your answers during preparation.

I. Select the correct answer from the following questions:

Question 1.
Blood pressure is under the control of
(a) Pituitary
(b) Adrenal
(c) Thyroid
(d) Thymus


Answer: (b) Adrenal

Question 2.
Master endocrine gland is
(a) Pituitary
(b) Parathyroid
(c) Thyroid
(d) Pineal


Answer: (a) Pituitary

Question 3.
Largest completely endocrine gland is
(a) Adrenal
(b) Thyroid
(c) Pituitary
(d) Parathyroid


Answer: (b) Thyroid

Question 4.
Implantation of embryo and production of placenta in controlled
(a) FSH
(b) Oestrogen
(c) Progesterone
(d) Estradiol


Answer: (c) Progesterone

Question 5.
Insulin is secreted by pancreas in
(a) Acinus
(b) a cells
(c) P cells
(d) y cells


Answer: (c) P-cells

Question 6.
Hormone is
(a) Nerve impulse
(b) Chemical messenger
(c) Excretory product
(d) Enzymatic product


Answer: (b) Chemical messenger

Question 7.
The hormone that causes change in appearance of males during puberty is
(a) Thyroxine
(b) Progesterone
(c) Testosterone
(d) Oestrogen


Answer: (c) Testosterone.

Question 8.
Diabetes insipides is caused by reduced activity in
(a) Thyroid
(b) Anterior lobe of pituitary
(c) Intermediate pituitary lobe
(d) Posterior lobe of pituitary


Answer: (d) Posterior lobe of pituitary

Question 9.
The hormone converts glucose to glycogen inside liver, is pro-duced in
(a) Thymus
(b) Pancreas
(c) Parathyroid
(d) Adrenal


Answer: (b) Pancreas

Question 10.
Iodine of iodised salt is stored in
(a) Pituitary
(b) Thyroid
(c) Liver
(d) Parathyroid


Answer: (b) Thyroid

Question 11.
Hormone produced during emotional stress is
(a) Adrenaline
(b) Melatoijiri
(c) Calcitonin
(d) Norepinephrine


Answer: (a) Adrenaline

Question 12.
Which of the following is a hormonal disease
(a) Scurvy
(b) Malaria
(c) Prolactin
(d) Insulin


Answer: (d) Insulin

Question 13.
Adrenaline is secreted by
(a) Adrenal medulla
(b) Thymus
(c) Pineal
(d) Adrenal cortex


Answer: (a) Adrenal medulla

Question 14.
Control of body temperature depends on the
(a) Pancreas
(b) Medulla
(c) Pituitary
(d) Hypothalamus


Answer: (b) Medulla

Question 15.
Which of the following is not an endocrine gland:
(a) Thyroid
(b) Pancreas
(c) Pituitary
(d) Sebaceous


Answer: (d) Sebaceous

Question 16.
The excess secretion of a growth hormone during adulthood produces
(a) Acromegaly
(b) Myxoedema
(c) Dwarf
(d) Giant


Answer: (a) Acromegaly

Question 17.
Estrogen is produced by
(a) Liver
(b) Ovary
(c) Testosterone
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Ovary

Question 18.
Hormone secreted by thyroid gland
(a) Thyroxin
(b) Tryoxin
(c) Insulin
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Thyroxin

Question 19.
Hormones are carried around in the body by
(a) blood
(b) nerves
(c) Lymph
(d) both blood and lymph


Answer: (d) Both blood and lymph

Question 20.
Pituitary gland is found:
(a) in the neck
(b) at the base of the brain
(c) beneath the stomach
(d) near the kidneys


Answer: (b) At the base of the brain

II. Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
Endocrine glands lack ducts and are hence, called ………….


Answer: ductless glands

Question 2.
The endocrine glands and hormone producing diffuse ………… located in different parts of our body constitute the …………


Answer: tissues/cells, endocrine system

Question 3.
Hypothalamus is the basal part of ……….., ………….. and it regulates a wide spectrum of body functions.


Answer: diencephalon, forebrain

Question 4.
The …………… is under the direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus.


Answer: posterior pituitary

Question 5.
Pituitary gland is divided into ………… and …………


Answer: adenohypophysis, a neurohypophysis

Question 6.
…………. stimulates synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland.


Answer: TSH

Question 7.
ACTH stimulates the synthesis and secretion of steroid hormones called ………….. from the adrenal cortex.


Answer: glucocorticoids

Question 8.
………….. stimulate gonadal activity and hence are called gonadotrophins.


Answer: FSH

Question 9.
The …………. is located on the dorsal side of forebrain.


Answer: pineal gland

Question 10.
Pineal secretes a hormone called …………..


Answer: melatonin

Question 11.
Thyroid hormones control the metabolism of …………, …………. and ………….


Answer: carbohydrates, proteins, fats

Question 12.
The parathyroid glands secrete a peptide hormone called ………….


Answer: parathyroid hormone (PTH).

Question 13.
Thymosins play a major role in the differentiation of Tlymphocytes, which provide …………..


Answer: cell-mediated immunity.

Question 14.
The centrally located tissue is called the …………, and outside this lies the ……………


Answer: adrenal medulla, adrenal cortex

Question 15.
The two main types of cell in the Islet of langerhans are called ………… and ………..


Answer: α-cell, ß-cells.

III. Mark the statement True (T) or False (F):

Question 1.
Glucagon is a hyperglycemic hormone.


Answer: True

Question 2.
Pupilary dilation, piloerection, sweating the hormones increase the heart beat, the strength of heart contraction and the rate of respiration.


Answer: True

Question 3.
Ovary is composed of ovarian follicles and stromal tissues.


Answer: True

Question 4.
The atrial wall of our heart secretes a very important peptide hormone called atrial natriuretic factor


Answer: True

Question 5.
Secretion acts on the exocrine pancreas and stimulates secretion of water and bicarbonate ions.


Answer: True

Question 6.
CCK inhibits gastric secretion and motility


Answer: False

Question 7.
On the basis of their chemical nature, hormones can be divided into groups, (i) Peptide, polypeptide, protein hormones.


Answer: True

Question 8.
Kidney produces erythropoietin which stimulates erythropoiesis.


Answer: True

Question 9.
Adenohypophysis consist of two portions, pars distalis and pars inter media.


Answer: True

Question 10.
In males, FSH and androgens regulate the corpus Iuteum


Answer: False

Question 11.
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) increases Ca2+ levels in the blood.


Answer: True

Question 12.
The thymus gland is a lobular structure located on the dorsal side of the heart and the aorta.


Answer: True

Question 13.
In our body, cortisol is the main glucocorticoid.


Answer: True

Question 14.
Heart patients are successfully treated with insulin therapy.


Answer: False

Question 15.
Due to the action of GIP, the blood vessels are dilated and consequently the blood pressure declines.


Answer: False

IV. Match the items of the column I with appropriate items of Column II.

Column IColumn II
(a) Pineal gland1. Lower blood glucose levels
(b) Insulin2. Secreted by the adrenal medulla
(c) Hormone3. steroid
(d) Adrenaline4. Product of an endocrine gland
(e) Lipid-soluble hormones5. Source of melationin
(f) Parathyroid hormone6. ß-cells
(g) Adrenal cortex7. α-cells
(h) Insulin8. Stimulates secretion of milk
(i) Glucagon9. androgens, testosterone
(j) Insulin therapy10. GIP
(k) Ovary11. Zona reticularis, zona fasciculata
(l) Testis12. Estrogen and progesterone
(m) Gastric inhibitory peptide13. Diabetes mellitus
(n) When blood pressure is increased14. anti-diurectic hormone
(o) ADH15. special cells secrete ANF


Column IColumn II
(a) Pineal gland5. Source of melationin
(b) Insulin1. Lower blood glucose levels
(c) Hormone4. Product of an endocrine gland
(d) Adrenaline2. Secreted by the adrenal medulla
(e) Lipid-soluble hormones3. steroid
(f) Parathyroid hormone8. Stimulates secretion of milk
(g) Adrenal cortex11. Zona reticularis, zona fasciculata
(h) Insulin6. ß-cells
(i) Glucagon7. α-cells
(j) Insulin therapy13. Diabetes mellitus
(k) Ovary12. Estrogen and progesterone
(l) Testis9. androgens, testosterone
(m) Gastric inhibitory peptide10. GIP
(n) When blood pressure is increased15. special cells secrete ANF
(o) ADH14. anti-diurectic hormone



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