MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 19 Excretory Products and their Elimination with Answers

Solving the Excretory Products and their Elimination Multiple Choice Questions of Class 11 Biology Chapter 19 MCQ can be of extreme help as you will be aware of all the concepts. These MCQ Questions on Excretory Products and their Elimination Class 11 with answers pave for a quick revision of the Chapter thereby helping you to enhance subject knowledge. Have a glance at the MCQ of Chapter 19 Biology Class 11 and cross-check your answers during preparation.

I. Select the correct answer from the following questions:

Question 1.
Blood coming out of liver has high concentration of
(a) Urea
(b) Protein
(c) Erythrocytes
(d) Oxygen.


Answer: (a) Urea.

Question 2.
Urinary bladder opens into
(a) tlreter
(b) Urethra
(c) Uterus
(d) All of these.


Answer: (b) Urethra.

Question 3.
Reabsorption of water in the kidney is under control of
(a) ACTH
(b) LH
(c) PSH
(d) ADH.


Answer: (d) ADH.

Question 4.
A normal adult excretes urine per day
(a) 3-4 litres
(b) 4-5 litres
(c) 12-i5 litres
(d) 2-3 litres.


Answer: (c) 12-15 litres.

Question 5.
Excretory product of mammals in mainly
(a) Uric acid
(b) Ammonia
(c) Urea
(d) Creatinine.


Answer: (c) Urea.

Question 6.
Loop of Henle lies in
(a) Medulla
(b) Ureter
(c) Cortex
(d) Pelvis.


Answer: (a) Medulla.

Question 7.
Removal of amino group from an amino acid is
(a) Amination
(b) Excretion
(c) Deamination
(d) Defecaetion.


Answer: (d) Defecaetion.

Question 8.
Glomerular filtrate differs from plasma
(a) Yellowish colour
(b) Presence of urea
(c) Absence of proteins
(d) Potassium concentration


Answer: (c) Absence of proteins.

Question 9.
Glomerular present in glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed in
(a) Distal convoluted tubule
(b) Bowman’s capsule
(c) Loop of Henle
(d) Proximal convoluted tubule.


Answer: (d) Proximal convoluted tubule.

Question 10.
Nitrogenous wastes are excreted as uric acid in birds to help in
(a) Elimination of excess heat
(b) Conservation of body heat
(c) Reduce the change of kidney stone formation
(d) Conservation of water inside body.


Answer: (d) Conservation of water inside body.

Question 11.
Structural and functional unit of kidney is
(a) Loop of Henle
(b) Malpighian body
(c) Glomerular
(d) Nephron.


Answer: (d) Nephron.

Question 12.
Glomerular capillaries receive blood having a hydrostatic pressure of
(a) 80mm Hg.
(b) 85mm Hg.
(c) 75mm Hg.
(d) 90mm Hg.


Answer: (c) 75 mm. Hg.

Question 13.
Excretion of urea is called
(a) Ammonotelism
(b) Uricotelism
(c) Urination
(d) Ureotelism.


Answer: (d) Ureotelism.

Question 14.
In glycosuria, urine contains
(a) Glucose
(b) Inoraganic ions
(c) Amino acids
(d) Epithelial cells.


Answer: (a) Glucose.

Question 15.
The major excretory organs in mosquitoes are
(a) Flame cells
(b) Nephrons
(c) Nephridia
(d) Malpighian tubules.


Answer: (d) Malpighian tubules.

Question 16.
Filration in the nephron is brought about by
(a) Passive diffusion
(b) Active transport
(c) Secretion
(d) Blood pressure.


Answer: (d) Blood pressure.

Question 17.
The plasma resembles in its composition with the filtrate produced in glomerulus except for the presence of
(a) Amino acids
(b) Glucose
(c) Chlorides
(d) Proteins.


Answer: (d) Proteins.

Question 18.
When a person is suffering from poor renal reabsorption which one of the following will not help in maintenance of blood volume?
(a) Increased ADH secretion
(b) Decreased arterial pressure in kidneys
(c) Increased arterial pressure in kidneys
(d) Decreased glomerular filtration.


Answer: (c) Increased arterial pressure in kidneys.

Question 19.
In such patients, urea can be removed by a process called
(a) Uremia
(b) hemodialysis
(c) renal failures
(d) Glomerulonephritis


Answer: (b) Hemodialysis.

Question 20.
An adult human excretes on an average of urine per day.
(a) 1 to 1.5 litres
(b) 2 to 2.5 litres
(c) 500 gram
(d) 250 gram


Answer: (a) 1 to 1.5 litres.

II. Fill in the blanks

Question 1.
………….., …………. and …………. are the major forms of nitrogenous wastes excreted by the animals.


Answer: Ammonia, urea, uric acid

Question 2.
The process of excreting ………… is Ammonotelism.


Answer: ammonia

Question 3.
………….. are the tubular excretory structures of earthworms and other annelids.


Answer: Nephridia

Question 4.
…………… tubules are the excretory structures of most of the insects including cockroaches.


Answer: Malpighian

Question 5.
…………….. perform the excretory function in crustaceans like prawn.


Answer: Antennal glands or green glands

Question 6.
In humans, the excretory system consists of ………….., …………., …………. and …………..


Answer: a pair of kidneys, one pair of ureters, a urinary bladder, a urethra

Question 7.
Each kidney of an adult human measures ………….. in length, …………., ………… with an average weight of ………….


Answer: 10-12 cm, 5-7 cm in width, 2-3 cm in thickness, 120-170 g

Question 8.
Inside the kidney, there are two zones, an outer cortex and an inner ………….


Answer: Irrational

Question 9.
A hairpin shaped Henle’s loop is the next part of the tubule which has a ……………..


Answer: descending and ascending limb

Question 10.
Such nephrons are called ……….. nephrons.


Answer: cortical

Question 11.
The glomerular capillary blood pressure causes filtration of blood through 3 layers i.e., the …………….. the epithelium of Bowman’s capsule and a basement membrane between these two layers.


Answer: endothelium of glomerular blood vessels

Question 12.
GFR in a healthy individual is approximately …………..


Answer: 125ml/minute

Question 13.
Reabsorption of water also occur ………….. in the initial segments of the nephron.


Answer: passively

Question 14.
Large amounts of water could be reabsorbed conditionally from this region to produce a ……………


Answer: concentrated urine.

Question 15.
ANF can cause ………….. and thereby …………. the blood pressure.


Answer: vasodilation, decrease

III. Mark the statements (T) True or (F) False:

Question 1.
ADH facilitates water reabsorption from latter parts of the tubule, thereby preventing diuresis.


Answer: True.

Question 2.
Angtiotensis II, being a powerful vasoconstrictor, increases the glomerular blood pressure and therby GFR.


Answer: True

Question 3.
The process of release of urine is called the micturition reflex and the neural mechanisms causing it is called the micturition.


Answer: False.

Question 4.
The kidneys, lungs, liver and skin also help in the elimination of excretory wastes.


Answer: True.

Question 5.
Our lungs remove large amounts of CO2 (18 litres/day) and also significant quantities of water every day.


Answer: True.

Question 6.
Sweat produced by the sweat glands is a watery fluid containing NaCl. small amounts of urea, lactic acid, etc.


Answer: True.

Question 7.
Kidney transplantation is the ultimate method in the correction of acute renal failures (kidney failure).


Answer: True.

Question 8.
Stone or insoluble mass of crystallised salts (oxalates) formed within in kidney.


Answer: True

Question 9.
Human kidneys can produce urine only one tiitie concentrated than the initial filtrate formed.


Answer: False.

Question 10.
NaCl is transported by the descending limb of Henle’s loop which is exchanged with the ascending limb of vasa recta.


Answer: False.

Question 11.
Collecting duct also plays a role in the maintenance of pH and ionic balance of blood by the selective secretion of H+ and K+ ions.


Answer: True.

Question 12.
PCT is also capable of reabsorption of HCO3 and selective recretion of hydrogen and potassium ions.


Answer: False.

Question 13.
The epithelial cells of Bowman’s capsule called podocytes are arranged in an intricate manner so as to leave some minute spaces called Alteration slits or slit pores.


Answer: True.

Question 14.
The Malpighian corpuscle, PCT and DCT of the nephron are situated in the cortical region of the kidney where as the loop of Henle dips into the medulla.


Answer: True.

Question 15.
Antennal glands are the tubular exretory structures of earthworms and other annelids.


Answer: False.

IV. Match the column I with column II.

Column IColumn II
(a) Aquatic amphibians and aquatic insects are1. Cockroaches
(b) Reptiles, birds, land snails and insects2. Prawn
(c) Malpighian tubules3. Columns of Bertini
(d) Antennal glands or green glands4. Uricotelic animals.
(e) Meduallary pyramids5. ammonotelic in nature.
(f) Proximal convoluted tubule6. Vasodilation and thereby decrease the blood pressure.
(g) Distal convoluted tubule7. CNS (central nervous system)
(h) glomerular nitration rate8. in the skin can eliminate certain substances
(i) Vasa recta9. the renal tubules.
(j) Atrial Natriuretic Facter (ANF) can cause10. PCT
(k) Stretch receptors on the walls of the bladder send signals to the11. sodium-potassium balance in blood.
(l) Sweat and sebaceous glends12. 180 litres per day
(m) Ketone bodies13. DCT
(n) NH3 to maintain the pH14. counter current mechanism
(o) 99 percent of the filtrate has to be reabsorbed by15. Ketonuria


Column IColumn II
(a) Aquatic amphibians and aquatic insects are5. ammonotelic in nature.
(b) Reptiles, birds, land snails and insects4. Uricotelic animals.
(c) Malpighian tubules1. Cockroaches
(d) Antennal glands or green glands2. Prawn
(e) Meduallary pyramids3. Columns of Bertini
(f) Proximal convoluted tubule10. PCT
(g) Distal convoluted tubule13. DCT
(h) glomerular nitration rate12. 180 litres per day
(i) Vasa recta14. counter current mechanism
(j) Atrial Natriuretic Facter (ANF) can cause6. Vasodilation and thereby decrease the blood pressure.
(k) Stretch receptors on the walls of the bladder send signals to the7. CNS (central nervous system)
(l) Sweat and sebaceous glends8. in the skin can eliminate certain substances
(m) Ketone bodies15. Ketonuria
(n) NH3 to maintain the pH11. sodium-potassium balance in blood.
(o) 99 percent of the filtrate has to be reabsorbed by9. the renal tubules.



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