Indian Polity & Constitution MCQs
Indian Polity & Constitution Objective / Multiple Choice (MCQs) Questions for Preparation of SSC-CGL, UPSC Civil Services, NDA, CDS, Railways and State Level Public Services Examinations of 2020-2021
1. With reference to the scheduled of the Indian constitution, which of the following is / are correct matches?
- Second Schedule – Emoluments of President, Vice President etc.
- Third Schedule – Allocation of Seats in Rajya Sabha
- Fourth Schedule – Various forms of oaths by holders of constitutional office
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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Correct Answer: C [Only 1 ]
Second Schedule
Second schedule lists the emoluments for holders of constitutional offices such as salaries of President, Vice President, Ministers, Judges and Comptroller and Auditor-General of India etc.
Third Schedule
This schedule lists the various forms of oath for holders of various constitutional offices.
Fourth Schedule
Fourth schedule enumerates the allocation of Rajya Sabha seats to States or Union Territories.
2. Who among the following was the Prime Minister of India when Mandal Commission was constituted?
[A] Indira Gandhi
[B] Morarji Desai
[C] Rajiv Gandhi
[D] V P Singh
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Correct Answer: B [Morarji Desai]
In terms of Article 340 Morarji Desai Government appointed the Second Backward Classes Commission under the chairmanship of B P Mandal in the year1979 to investigate the conditions of the socially and educationally backward classes and suggest measures for their advancement. The commission submitted its report in 1980 and identified as many as 3743 castes as socially and educationally backward classes.
27% government reservation of jobs for the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) is recommended by the commission so that the total reservation for all ((SCs, STs and OBCs) amounts to 50%.
After ten years in 1990 that the V P Singh Government declared reservation of 27% government jobs for the OBCs.
3. Which among the following article of the Constitution of India says that all public places are open to all citizens?
[A] Article 15 (2)
[B] Article 16 (2)
[C] Article 17
[D] Article 18
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Correct Answer: A [Article 15 (2)]
Article 15(2) says that all public places are open to all citizens without any discrimination. Article 16 (2)- No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, residence or any of them, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in respect or, any employment or office under the State.
4. Which among the following is the final authority to interpret the Constitution of India?
[A] President
[B] Supreme Court
[C] Council of Ministers
[D] Parliament
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Correct Answer: B [Supreme Court]
Supreme Court is the final authority to interpret the constitution of India.
5. What is the minimum age prescribed by the Constitution of India for a candidate to be elected as Vice president of India?
[A] 18 years
[B] 25 years
[C] 30 years
[D] 35 years
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Correct Answer: D [35 years]
Minimum age for a candidate to be elected as Vice President of India- 35 years
Minimum age for a candidate to be elected as MLA- 25 years
Minimum age for a candidate to be elected as member of Lok Sabha-25 years
Minimum age for a candidate to be elected as member of Rajya Sabha-30 years
Minimum age for a candidate to be elected as MLC- 30 years
6. According to Indian Constitution ,the vacancy in the office of the President of India shall be filled with in
[A] 1 month
[B] 3 months
[C] 6 months
[D] 1 year
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Correct Answer: C [6 months]
7. An Individual Minister can be removed by ______?
[A] Prime Minister
[B] Council of Ministers
[C] Parliament
[D] President
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Correct Answer: D [President]
8. All revenues received by the Government of India by taxes e.g. Income Tax, Central Excise, Customs and other receipts are kept in which among the following?
[A] Consolidated Fund of India
[B] Contingency Fund of India
[C] Public Account of India
[D] Reserve Bank of India
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Correct Answer: A [Consolidated Fund of India]
9. What can be the maximum number of members of the Lok Sabha ?
[A] 545
[B] 550
[C] 552
[D] 560
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Correct Answer: C [552]
Lok Sabha is the lower house of the parliament which represents people. Article 81 deals with the Composition of the Lok Sabha. The maximum strength of Lok Sabha is 552 members of which 530 are elected from states, 20 are elected from Union Territories and 2 are nominated by President from Anglo-Indian community if the president thinks that the community is not adequately represented in the house.
10. What is the maximum life of an ordinance promulgated by President?
[A] 6 months
[B] 7.5 months
[C] 12 months
[D] 15 months
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Correct Answer: B [7.5 months]
Article 123 of the Indian constitution empowers the President to promulgate ordinances. This mechanism has been devised to enable the executive to deal with a situation that may suddenly and immediately arise when the Parliament is not in session (either one or both houses)
As maximum gap between two session of a house can be 6 months therefore maximum life of a ordinance can be 6 months and 6 weeks;