The Best Christmas Present in the World Class 8 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 1

Enhance your subject knowledge through The Best Christmas Present in the World MCQ Online Test and lay a stronger foundation of your basics. Verify your answers with MCQ on The Best Christmas Present in the World provided and know where you went wrong. Use the Objective Questions of Class 8th The Best Christmas Present in the World MCQ with Answers provided below and understand all the concepts easily.

Read the given passages carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the right alternative:


I should like to be able to tell you that we began it. But the truth, I’m ashamed to say, is that Fritz began it. First someone saw a white flag waving from the trenches opposite. Then they were calling out to us from across no man’s land, “Happy Christmas, Tommy ! Happy Christmas !” When we had got over the surprise, some of us shouted back, “Same to you, Fritz ! Same to you! ” I thought that would be that. We all did.

Question 1.
What does ‘Tommy’ refer to?
(a) Germans
(b) Britishers
(c) Shepherds
(d) Indians


Answer: (b) Britishers

Question 2.
What does ‘Fritz’ refer to?
(a) Germans
(b) Britishers
(c) Shepherds
(d) Indians


Answer: (a) Germans

Question 3.
Who wrote the letter to whom?
(a) Jim to Connie
(b) Connie to Hans
(c) Connie to Morris
(d) Jim to Hans


Answer: (a) Jim to Connie

Question 4.
For whom the pronoun ‘you’ is used?
(a) The author
(b) Jim’s wife
(c) Jim’s friend
(d) Jim’s enemy


Answer: (b) Jim’s wife

Question 5.
(5) What happened in no man’s land?
(a) Both the armies fought there
(b) Both armies wished Happy New Year to each other
(c) Both armies wished Christmas to each other
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Both armies wished Christmas to each other


One of the Germans was waving a bottle above his head. “It is Christmas Day, Tommy. We have schnapps. We have sausage. We meet you? Yes?” By this time there were dozens of them walking towards us across no man’s land and not a rifle between them. Little Private Morris was the first up. “Come on, boys. What are we waiting for ?” And then there was no stopping them. I was the officer. I should have stopped them there and then, I suppose, but the truth is that it never even occurred to me I should.

Question 1.
What was the German doing?
(a) Mending his rifle
(b) Doing nothing
(c) Waving a bottle
(d) Waving a bottle above his head


Answer: (d) Waving a bottle above his head

Question 2.
What does ‘Tommy’ refer to?
(a) Germans
(b) Britishers
(c) Shepherds
(d) Indians


Answer: (b) Britishers

Question 3.
For whom ‘I’ is used here?
(a) Jim Macpherson
(b) Connie
(c) Hans Wolf
(d) The author


Answer: (a) Jim Macpherson

Question 4.
Which day was being celebrated?
(a) Christmas
(b) Diwali
(c) Holi
(d) Good Friday


Answer: (a) Christmas

Question 5.
Give the meaning of ’sausage’.
(a) meat
(b) vegetables
(c) yogurt
(d) soups


Answer: (a) meat


The last drawer was stuck fast. I tried all I could to ease it out gently. In the end I used brute force. I struck it sharply with the side of my fist and the drawer flew open to reveal a shallow space underneath, a secret drawer. There was something in there. I reached in and took out a small black tin box. Sello-taped to the top of it was a piece of lined notepaper, and written on it in shaky handwriting: “Jim’s last letter, received January 25, 1915. To be buried with me when the time comes.” I knew as I did it that it was wrong of me to open the box, but curiosity got the better of my scruples. It usually does.

Question 1.
Who is ‘I’ here?
(a) The author
(b) The author’s brother
(c) The author’s friend
(d) The author’s mother


Answer: (a) The author

Question 2.
What was he doing?
(a) Trying to find out something
(b) Trying to open the drawers
(c) Trying to read the letter
(d) Eating food


Answer: (b) Trying to open the drawers

Question 3.
What did the author take out from the drawer?
(a) A tin box
(b) A small tin box
(c) A box
(d) A small black tin box


Answer: (d) A small black tin box

Question 4.
What was written on the box?
(a) Jim’s last letter
(b) Jim’s last letter to his friend
(c) Jim’s last letter written on Jan. 25, 1915.
(d) Jim’s last letter received on Jan. 25, 1915


Answer: (d) Jim’s last letter received on Jan. 25, 1915

Question 5.
Who wrote this letter?
(a) Jim’s wife
(b) Jim’s girl friend
(c) Jim’s friend
(d) Jim’s mother


Answer: (a) Jim’s wife


I spotted it in a junk shop in Bridport, a roll-top desk. The man said it was early nineteenth centuiy, and oak. I had wanted one, but they were far too expensive. This one was in a bad condition, the roll-top in several pieces, one leg clumsily mended, scorch marks all down one side. It was going for very little money. I thought I could restore it. It would be a risk, a challenge, but I had to have it. I paid the man and brought it back to my workroom at the back of the garage. I began work on it on Christmas Eve.

Question 1.
Who is ‘I’ here?
(a) The author
(b) The author’s mother
(c) The author’s friend
(d) The author’s sister


Answer: (a) The author

Question 2.
Why did the author not buy the roll-top desk from the junk shop?
(a) He did not like it
(b) It was very expensive
(c) It was not beautiful
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) It was very expensive

Question 3.
(a) At the back of ground
(b) At the back of the house
(c) At the back of garage
(d) He had no workroom


Answer: (d) He had no workroom

Question 4.
“I began work on it on Christmas Eve.” What does ‘it’ refer?
(a) Garage
(b) Desk
(c) Raincoat
(d) Letter


Answer: (b) Desk

Question 5.
Which word in the passage means ’spotted’.
(a) saw
(b) wrote
(c) noted
(d) having a spot


Answer: (a) saw


Hans Wolf and I shared what was left of your wonderful Christmas cake, Connie. He thought the marzipan was the best he had ever tasted. I agreed. We agreed about everything, and he was my enemy. There never was a Christmas party like it, Connie. Then someone, I don’t know who, brought out a football. Greatcoats were dumped in piles to make goalposts, and the next thing we knew it was Tommy against Fritz out in the middle of no man’s land. Hans Wolf and I looked on and cheered, clapping our hands and stamping our feet, to keep out the cold as much as anything. There was a moment when I noticed our breaths mingling in the air between us. He saw it too and smiled. “Jim Macpherson,” he said after a while, “I think this is how we should resolve this war. A football match. No one dies in a football match. No children are orphaned. No wives become widows.”

Question 1.
Name the lesson.
(a) A Short Monsoon Diaiy
(b) The Best Christmas Present in the World
(c) A Visit to Cambridge
(d) The Summit Within


Answer: (b) The Best Christmas Present in the World

Question 2.
Who was Hans Wolf ?
(a) The Chief of German Army
(b) The Chief of British Army
(c) The Chief of Indian Army
(d) The Chief of Russian Army


Answer: (a) The Chief of German Army

Question 3.
What did a man bring on that day?
(a) A volleyball
(b) A ball
(c) A football
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) A football

Question 4.
How should the wars be resolved?
(a) By fighting each other
(b) Through peace-by playing matches
(c) By criticizing each other
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Through peace-by playing matches

Question 5.
Where was football match played between both the armies ?
(a) On the war field
(b) In a trench
(c) In a football ground
(d) In a garden


Answer: (a) On the war field


I sat down beside her, and she kissed my cheek. “I read your letter so often Jim, every day. I wanted to hear your voice in my head. It always made me feel you were with me. And now you are. Now you’re back you can read it to me yourself. Would you do that for me, Jim dear? I just want to hear your voice again. I’d love that so much. And then perhaps we’ll have some tea. I’ve made you a nice Christmas cake, marzipan all around. I know how much you love marzipan”.

Question 1.
Who is ‘I’ in the above lines?
(a) The author
(b) Hans Wolf
(c) Jim
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) The author

Question 2.
Who is ‘she’ in the above lines?
(a) Jim’s mother
(b) Jim’s friend
(c) Jim’s sister
(d) Jim’s wife


Answer: (d) Jim’s wife

Question 3.
What did the lady ask the author to do?
(a) To read the letter for her
(A) To take her to Jim
(c) To talk with her
(d) To give her the letter


Answer: (a) To read the letter for her

Question 4.
The old lady prepared something for Jim. What was it?
(a) A dish
(b) A pizza
(c) A pullover
(d) Christmas cake


Answer: (d) Christmas cake


The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair, her hands folded in her lap. She had silver white hair pinned intp a wispy bun. She was gazing out at the garden. “Hello,” I said. She turned and looked up at me vacantly. “Happy Christmas, Connie,” I went on. “I found this. I think it’s yours.” As I was speaking her eyes never left my face. I opened the tin box and gave it to her. That was the moment her eyes lit up with recognition and her face became suffused with a sudden glow of happiness.

Question 1.
Who was the old lady?
(a) Jim’s mother
(b) Jim’s wife-Connie
(c) Jim’s sister
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Jim’s mother

Question 2.
Who is ‘I’ in the above lines?
(a) The author
(b) Hans Wolf
(c) Jim Macpherson
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) The author

Question 3.
What did the author give to Connie (the old lady)?
(a) A cake
(b) A book
(c) A gift
(d) The last letter written by Jim


Answer: (d) The last letter written by Jim

Question 4.
‘That was the moment her eyes lit up’. What was the moment?
(a) When the author called her
(b) When she saw the author
(c) When the author handed Jim’s last letter
(d) None of these
to his wife


Answer: (c) When the author handed Jim’s last letter

Question 5.
Give the meaning of ‘suffused’.
(a) confused
(b) refused
(c) glow of happiness
(d) enjoyed


Answer: (c) glow of happiness



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