बालों के झड़ने के इलाज के लिए आंवला – Amla for hair fall treatment जैसा कि हमने बताया कि आंवला कई प्रकार के मिनरल्स से समृद्ध होता है और यह डर्मल पेपिला सेल्स को बढ़ाकर Read more…
Elon Musk takes control of Twitter in $44bn deal The world’s richest man, Elon Musk, has completed his $44bn (£38.1bn) takeover of Twitter, according to a filing with the US government. Mr Musk tweeted “the Read more…
Sports facility built at a cost of ₹7 crore remains idle After almost four years since its inauguration, the indoor hall remains out of bounds for sports enthusiasts largely due to official apathy in providing Read more…