MCQ Questions for Class 8 English Honeydew Poem 2 Geography Lesson with Answers

Enhance your subject knowledge through Geography Lesson MCQ Online Test and lay a stronger foundation of your basics. Verify your answers with MCQ on Geography Lesson provided and know where you went wrong. Use the Objective Questions of Class 8th Geography Lesson MCQ with Answers provided below and understand all the concepts easily.

Read the stanzas carefully and answer the questions that follow. Tick the correct alternative:


When the jet rose six miles high,
it was clear the earth was round
and that it had more sea than land.
But it was difficult to understand
that the men on the earth found
causes to hate each other, to build
walls across cities and to kill.
From the height, it was not clear why.

Question 1.
How high has the jet-reached?
(a) Four miles
(b) Three miles
(c) Five miles
(d) Six miles


Answer: (d) Six miles

Question 2.
What did the poet fail to understand?
(a) Why the children do not like studies
(b) Why men on earth hate each other
(c) Why men are after earning more and more money
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Why men on earth hate each other

Question 3.
How did they show hatred with each other?
(a) By building walls across cities
(b) By killing each other
(c) Both (a) and (c)
(d) None of these.


Answer: (c) Both (a) and (c)

Question 4.
Give the opposite of ‘difficult’.
(a) uneasy
(b) easy
(c) more difficult
(d) not easy


Answer: (b) easy


When the jet sprang into the sky,
it was clear why the city
had developed the way it had,
seeing it scaled six inches to the mile.
There seemed an inevitability
about what on ground had looked haphazard,
unplanned and without style
when the jet sprang into the sky.

Question 1.
Name the poem.
(a) Geography Lesson
(b) The Last Bargain
(c) Macavity: The Mystery Cat
(d) The Ant and the Cricket


Answer: (a) Geography Lesson

Question 2.
How high was the jet when the poet saw the land?
(a) Two feet to mile
(b) Six inches to mile
(c) Three feet to kilometer
(d) Three kilometers to mile


Answer: (b) Six inches to mile

Question 3.
What looked interpretable?
(a) The city looked haphazard
(b) The city looked unplanned
(c) The city looked without style
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 4.
Give the opposite of ‘developed’.
(a) undeveloped
(b) development
(c) underdeveloped
(d) developing


Answer: (a) undeveloped


When the jet reached ten thousand feet,
it was clear why the country
had cities where the rivers ran
and why the valley were populated.
The logic of geography—
that land and water attracted man—
was clearly delineated
When the jet reached ten thousand feet.

Question 1.
Name the lesson.
(a) Macavity: The Mystery Cat
(b) Geography Lesson
(c) The Duck and the Kangaroo
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Geography Lesson

Question 2.
How high has the jet reached?
(a) One thousand feet
(b) Two thousand feet
(c) Ten thousand feet
(d) Twenty thousand feet


Answer: (c) Ten thousand feet

Question 3.
Where have the cities been developed?
(a) On shallow land
(b) Near river banks
(c) On platform above land
(d) Under water


Answer: (b) Near river banks

Question 4.
What was the logic of geography?
(a) Land and water attracted man
(b) Open sky attracted man
(c) Sand and land attracted man
(d) None of the above.


Answer: (a) Land and water attracted man



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