MCQ Questions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 4 The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom with Answers

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Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow. Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:


Hearing of their neighbours’ good luck, they coaxed the dog into their garden and set before him bits of fish and other dainties, hoping he would find treasure for them. But the dog, being afraid of the cruel pair, would neither eat nor move.

Question 1.
Who are ‘they’ in the above lines?
(a) The old man and his wife
(b) The wicked old man and his wife
(c) The wicked old man
(d) The old lady


Answer: (b) The wicked old man and his wife

Question 2.
What did they do?
(a) Took the dog to the garden
(b) Went to the neighbours’ house
(c) Took a spade to dig
(d) Lit the fire


Answer: (a) Took the dog to the garden

Question 3.
What did they do with the dog?
(a) Gave him fish
(b) Patted his back
(c) Scolded him
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Gave him fish

Question 4.
Give the meaning of ‘coaxed’.
(a) argued
(b) persuaded
(c) welcomed
(d) released


Answer: (b) persuaded


The old man, being a rice farmer, went daily with the hoe or spade into the fields, working hard from morning until O Tento Sama (as the sun is called) had gone down behind the hills. Every day the dog followed him to work, never once harming the white heron that walked in the footsteps of the old man to pick up the worms. For the old fellow was patient and kind to everything that had life and often turned up sod on purpose to give food to the birds.

Question 1.
Which crop the old man used to sow in his fields?
(a) Rice
(b) Wheat
(c) Maize
(d) Barley


Answer: (a) Rice

Question 2.
What did the farmer take with him to the fields?
(a) Spade
(b) Some papers
(c) Some labourers
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Spade

Question 3.
Who used to follow him?
(a) His dog
(b) A cow
(c) A pet cat
(d) His pet parrots


Answer: (a) His dog

Question 4.
What was the dog’s name?
(a) Tommy
(b) Muko
(c) Micky
(d) Cuckoo


Answer: (b) Muko


So the old man chopped down the tree and cut out of the middle of the trunk a section about two feet long. With great labour, partly by fire, partly by the chisel, he scraped out a hollow place as. big as a small bowl. He then made a long-handled hammer of wood, such as is used for pounding rice.

Question 1.
Why did the old man chop down the tree?
(a) Because the spirit of the dog asked him to do so
(b) Because he wanted to treasure
(c) Because he did not like the tree
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Because the spirit of the dog asked him to do so

Question 2.
What did he do with the trunk of the tree?
(a) Put the wood to fire
(b) Made a small bowl
(c) Made wooden toys
(d) Threw it in the ground


Answer: (b) Made a small bowl

Question 3.
What was the hammer used for?
(a) For cutting the tree
(b) For chopping wood
(c) Pounding rice
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Pounding rice

Question 4.
Give the meaning of ‘pounding’.
(a) crushing
(b) cutting
(c) tearing
(d) to go near the pond


Answer: (a) crushing


Then they dragged him out of doors, taking spade and hoe with them. No sooner had the dog got near a pine tree growing in the garden then he began to paw and scratch the ground as if a mighty pleasure lay beneath.

Question 1.
What did the wicked old couple do?
(a) Dragged the dog to the garden
(b) Cooked meat
(c) Went to neighbour’s house
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Dragged the dog to the garden

Question 2.
Where did the dog stop?
(a) Near a pine tree
(b) Near the old man’s house
(c) Near a lake
(d) Near the temple


Answer: (a) Near a pine tree

Question 3.
What was the wicked couple looking for?
(a) Seeds
(b) Food
(c) Treasure
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Treasure

Question 4.
Give the meaning of ‘dragged’.
(a) took
(b) pulled
(c) hit
(d) pushed


Answer: (b) pulled


When the daimyo himself was almost directly under him, he threw a handful of ashes over the tree, which did not change a particle. The wind blew the fine dust in the noses and eyes to the daimyo and his wife. Such sneezing and choking! It spoiled all the pomp and dignity of the procession.

Question 1.
Name the lesson
(a) Three Questions
(b) Expert Detectives
(c) Quality
(d) The Ashes That Made The Trees Bloom


Answer: (d) The Ashes That Made The Trees Bloom

Question 2.
Who is ‘he’ here?
(a) The old man
(b) The wicked old man
(c) The wicked old lady
(d) The old lady


Answer: (b) The wicked old man

Question 3.
Why did the man throw the ashes over the tree?
(a) To change the tree into a blossoming one
(b) To spoil it
(c) To grow it rapidly
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) To change the tree into a blossoming one

Question 4.
What were the effects of ashes?
(a) the tree blossomed
(b) the daimyo and his wife started sneezing
(c) the way turned smoky
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) the daimyo and his wife started sneezing


The old man awoke and went at once to his wicked neighbour’s house, where he found the miserable old pair sitting at the edge of their square fireplace, in the middle of the floor, smoking and spinning. From time to time they warmed their hands and feet with the blaze from some bits of the mill, while behind them lay a pile of the broken pieces.

Question 1.
What did the old man do?
(a) Went to his wicked neighbour’s house
(b) Went to the garden
(c) Went to the temple
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Went to his wicked neighbour’s house

Question 2.
Who is ‘the old pair’ here?
(a) The old man and his wife
(b) The wicked old man and his wife
(c) The two ladies
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) The wicked old man and his wife

Question 3.
What was the wicked old couple doing?
(a) Taking their meal
(b) Warming their hands from the fire
(c) Sleeping
(d) Waiting for someone


Answer: (b) Warming their hands from the fire

Question 4.
The meaning of ‘wicked’ is:
(a) honest
(b) cruel
(c) powerful
(d) cunning


Answer: (d) cunning


Suddenly the leader of the van caught sight of the aged man up in the tree. He was about to call out to him in an angry tone, but, seeing he was such an old fellow, he pretended not to notice him and passed him by. So, when the daimyo’s palanquin drew near, the old man, taking a pinch of ashes from his basket, scattered it over the tree. In a moment it burst into blossom.

Question 1.
What did the leader of van see?
(a) The old man sitting on the tree
(b) The dead dog
(c) The wicked old couple
(d) The men working


Answer: (a) The old man sitting on the tree

Question 2.
Why did he retort call out for the old man?
(a) Because he thought that the man was old
(b) Because he was not in a mood to do so
(c) Because he could not speak
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Because he thought that the man was old

Question 3.
What did the old man do when daimyo’s palanquin drew near?
(a) He made a noise
(b) He threw some stones
(c) He scattered pinch of ashes on the tree
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) He scattered pinch of ashes on the tree

Question 4.
Give the opposite of ‘angry’.
(a) disagree
(b) unhappy
(c) happy
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) happy



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