MCQ Questions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 2 A Gift of Chappals with Answers

Enhance your subject knowledge through A Gift of Chappals MCQ Online Test and lay a stronger foundation of your basics. Verify your answers with MCQ on A Gift of Chappals provided and know where you went wrong. Use the Objective Questions of Class 7th A Gift of Chappals MCQ with Answers provided below and understand all the concepts easily.

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow. Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:


Mahendran looked up, alarmed. He had just been sharpening his claws on the edge of the coconut shell. But worse than Ravi’s awful whoop EEK was a ‘Kreech ….!’ from the window. What a weird sound! If Mridu was startled, M.P. Poonai was frightened out of his wits. Hair standing on end, he bounced up and scurried towards a bamboo tray of red chillies that had been set out to dry. Trying to hide beneath it, he tipped a few chillies over himself. “Mi-a-aw!” he howled miserably.

Question 1.
Who looked up, alarmed?
(a) Mahendran
(b) Mridu
(c) Lalli
(d) Gopu Mama


Answer: (a) Mahendran

Question 2.
What was ‘Kreech….’ coming from the window?
(a) Sound of kitten
(b) Sound of violin
(c) Sound of puppy
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Sound of violin

Question 3.
Where did Mahendran run to hide itself?
(a) to the kitchen
(b) under the bed
(c) towards the tray of red chillies
(d) to the ground


Answer: (c) towards the tray of red chillies

Question 4.
Give the meaning of ‘startled’.
(a) laughed
(b) looked
(c) amazed
(d) frightened


Answer: (c) amazed


Mridu did not have much time to wonder about whose slippers they were, because Ravi dragged her to the backyard, behind a thick bitter-berry bush. There, inside a torn football lined with sacking and filled with sand, lay a small kitten lapping up milk from a coconut half-shell.

Question 1.
Mridu didn’t have much time to wonder about.
(a) overcoat
(b) slippers
(c) books
(d) none of these


Answer: (b) slippers

Question 2.
What was behind the thick berry bush?
(a) A football
(b) A coin
(c) A pen
(d) A stone


Answer: (a) A football

Question 3.
What was inside the torn football?
(a) A kitten
(b) A puppy
(c) A rat
(d) A stone


Answer: (a) A kitten

Question 4.
From where was the kitten taking milk?
(a) From a bottle
(b) From a glass
(c) From the bowl
(d) From a coconut half-shell


Answer: (d) From a coconut half-shell

Question 5.
Kitten is the young one of:
(a) bear
(b) cat
(c) dog
(d) cock


Answer: (b) cat


“I’ll go, I’ll go!” he said wearily. “Only let me have a rest here under this tree. The sun is so hot, the tar has melted on the road. My feet are already blistered.” He stretched out his feet to show large, pink, peeling blisters on the soles of his bare feet.

Question 1.
Name the lesson.
(a) Three Questions
(b) A Gift of Chappals
(c) Expert Detectives
(d) Quality


Answer: (b) A Gift of Chappals

Question 2.
Who is ‘I’ in these lines?
(a) The beggar
(b) Ravi
(c) Music master
(d) Mridu


Answer: (a) The beggar

Question 3.
Where did he want to take rest?
(a) In the garden
(b) On a bench
(c) In the house
(d) Under the tree


Answer: (d) Under the tree

Question 4.
Why did he want to take rest?
(a) He was hungry
(b) It was very hot outside
(c) He was tired
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) It was very hot outside

Question 5.
Give the meaning of ‘blistered’.
(a) shone
(b) dimmed
(c) wounded
(d) stared


Answer: (c) wounded


He played a few notes. Lalli stumbled behind him on her violin, which looked quite helpless and unhappy in her hands. What a difference! The music-master’s notes seemed to float up and settle perfectly into the invisible tracks of the melody. It was like the wheels of a trained fitting smoothly into the rails and whizzing along, as Ravi said. Mridu stared at that huge, beringed hand moving effortlessly up the violin’s stem, making lovely music.

Question 1.
Who is ‘he’ in the above lines?
(a) Ravi
(b) Mridu
(c) Meena
(d) Music master


Answer: (d) Music master

Question 2.
What looked helpless and unhappy?
(a) The violin
(b) Lalh
(c) Meena
(d) Mridu


Answer: (a) The violin

Question 3.
How were the notes played by music-master?
(a) Like the wheels of the train
(b) Like the sound of a kitten
(c) Like the horn of the bus
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Like the wheels of the train

Question 4.
Give the opposite of ‘huge’.
(a) small
(b) big
(c) short
(d) tiny


Answer: (d) tiny


She hurried indoors and brought out Gopu Mama’s hardly worn, new chappals. “These should fit you, Sir. Please put these on. I am so sorry. My son has been very naughty.” The music-master’s eyes lit up. He put them on, trying not to look too happy. “Well, I suppose these will have to do These days children have no respect for elders, what to do? A Hanuman Incarnate … only Rama can save such a naughty fellow!” Rukku Manni’s eyes flashed.

Question 1.
Who is ‘she’ in the above lines?
(a) Mridu
(b) Rukku Manni
(c) Meena
(d) Lalli


Answer: (b) Rukku Manni

Question 2.
To whom did she give Gopu Mama’s chappals?
(a) Beggar
(b) Ravi
(c) Music master
(d) Mridu


Answer: (c) Music master

Question 3.
Who said these words: “These days children have no respect for elders”?
(a) Gopu mama
(b) Music master
(c) Ravi
(d) Rukku Manni


Answer: (b) Music master

Question 4.
Who said ‘A Hanuman Incarnate’?
(a) Music master
(b) Rukku Manni
(c) Gopu mama
(d) Mridu


Answer: (b) Rukku Manni


“Lalli!” he called, after a few moments. She hurried up to him. “Have you seen my chappals, my dear? I remember having kept them here!” Ravi, Mridu, and Meena silently watched Lalli and the music-master search ever corner of the verandah. He scurried around, looked over the railing and crouching near the flower pots to look between them. “Brand new, they were! I went all the way to Mount Road to buy them!” he went on saying. “They cost a whole month’s fees, do you know?”

Question 1.
Name the lesson.
(a) Three Questions
(b) A Gift of Chappals
(c) The Ashes That Made the Trees Bloom
(d) Expert Detectives


Answer: (b) A Gift of Chappals

Question 2.
Who is ‘he’ in the above lines?
(a) Lalli
(b) Ravi
(c) Music master
(d) Mridu


Answer: (c) Music master

Question 3.
What was he looking for?
(a) A pair of glasses
(b) His violin
(c) His pen
(d) A pair of chappals


Answer: (d) A pair of chappals

Question 4.
From where did he buy them?
(a) Mount Road
(b) Link Road
(c) H. Mount Road
(d) Mount. G. Road


Answer: (a) Mount Road

Question 5.
Give the meaning of ‘scurried’.
(a) to come out
(b) to run away
(c) scared
(d) hurried


Answer: (b) to run away


Rukku Manni caught sight of Ravi, Mridu, and Meena sitting under the tree. “Have you children….” she began, and then, seeing they were curiously quiet, went on more slowly, “seen anyone lurking around the verandah?” A sharp V- shaped line had formed between her eyebrows. Another straight, tighter one appeared in place of her usually soft, pleasant mouth. Rukku Manni was angry! thought Mridu with a shiver. She wouldn’t be so upset if she knew about the poor beggar with sores on his feet, she tried to tell herself.

Question 1.
Who was sitting under the tree?
(a) Ravi
(b) Meena
(c) Mridu
(d) All the three


Answer: (d) All the three

Question 2.
Who caught sight of them?
(a) Beggar
(b) Music master
(c) Rukku Manni
(d) Mridu


Answer: (c) Rukku Manni

Question 3.
What was she (Rukku Manni) looking for?
(a) A pair of chappals
(b) A pair of glasses
(c) A pair of cups
(d) A water bottle


Answer: (a) A pair of chappals

Question 4.
Whom did they give chappals to?
(a) Music master
(b) The beggar
(c) The labourer
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) The beggar

Question 5.
Give the meaning of ‘lurking’ ________
(a) shouting
(b) doing
(c) hiding
(d) washing


Answer: (c) hiding



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