MCQ Questions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 7 Vocation with Answers

Question 1.
A child wishes to
(a) take breakfast at noon
(b) be a watchman
(c) wash his dress
(d) get up early in the morning


(b) be a watchman

Question 2.
When no one checks him he will
(a) not get baked in the sun
(b) not spoil his clothes
(c) walk the street all night
(d) not indulge In gossip


(c) walk the street all night

Question 3.
The child wishes to become
(a) a doctor
(b) an engineer
(c) a hawker
(d) a teacher


(c) a hawker

Question 4.
The word giant’ is a
(a) noun
(b) gerund
(c) verb
(d) adjective


(a) noun

Question 5.
The hawker leads a
(a) pious life
(b) carefree life
(c) miserable life
(d) peaceful life


(b) carefree life

Question 6.
According to the poet, the gardener should
(a) plant only weeds
(b) be punished for soiling his clothes
(c) plant flowers and vegetables
(d) plant fruits


(b) be punished for soiling his clothes

Question 7.
When the mother sends him to bed the poet is
(a) unhappy
(b) happy
(c) revengeful
(d) jealous


(a) unhappy

Question 8.
When all seem free, the poet feels
(a) choked
(b) to Join them
(c) envious
(d) to go to sleep


(c) envious

Question 9.
The speaker seems to be disgusted with
(a) the gong
(b) the hawker
(c) the school
(d) the discipline


Answer: (d) the discipline

Question 10.
The speaker loves the gardener’s
(a) gardening
(b) digging
(c) freedom
(d) dress


Answer: (c) freedom

Question 11.
The one who is taken to task for getting baked in the sun is
(a) the gardener
(b) the bangle-seller
(c) the speaker
(d) the watchman


Answer: (c) the speaker

Question 12.
The watchman comes on duty when
(a) the child sleeps
(b) the gardener comes
(c) the bangle seller comes
(d) the sun rises


Answer: (a) the child sleeps

Question 13.
The street is lonely because
(a) People fear to come out
(b) people are asleep
(c) there is curfew
(d) nobody lives in this lane


Answer: (b) people are asleep


When the gong sounds ten in the morning and
I walk to school by our lane,
Every day I meet the hawker crying. Bangles.
crystal bangles!”
There is nothing to hurry him on. there is no
road he must take, no place he must go to, no
tune when he must come home.
I wish I were a hawker, spending my day in
the road, crying. ‘Bangles, crystal bangles !

Question 1.
The speaker of the passage is
(a) a baby
(b) a young man
(c) a school-going child
(d) a school teacher


(c) a school-going child

Question 2.
The speaker seems to be disgusted with
(a) the gong
(b) the hawker
(c) the school
(d) the discipline


(d) the discipline

Question 3.
The speaker seems to love
(a) his school
(b) the bangles
(c) the hawker
(d) the freedom


(d) the freedom

Question 4.
The passage has been taken from
(a) Vocation
(b) What if
(c) Beauty
(d) The Quarrel


(a) Vocation

Question 5.
The noun form of ‘spending is
(a) spend
(b) spender
(c) sperm
(d) spent


(b) spender


When at four in the afternoon I come back from the school.
I can see through the gate of that house the
gardener digging the ground.
He does what he likes with his spade, he soils
his clothes with dust, nobody takes him to
task, f he gets baked in the sun or gets wet.

Question 1.
The author of this passage is
(a) R.N. Tagore
(b) Shel Silverstein
(c) L.M. Hall
(d) Eleanor Farjeon


(a) R.N. Tagore

Question 2.
The speaker loves the gardener’s
(a) gardening
(b) digging
(c) freedom
(d) dress


(c) freedom

Question 3.
The one who is taken to task for getting baked In the sun is
(a) the gardener
(b) the bangle-seller
(c) the speaker
(d) the watchman


(c) the speaker

Question 4.
The gardener’s tool is his
(a) trees
(b) plants
(c) soil
(d) spade


(d) spade

Question 5.
The noun form of ‘see’ is
(a) saw
(b) sight
(c) seen
(d) seeing


(b) sight


I wish I were a gardener digging away at the
garden with nobody to stop inc from digging.
Just as it gets dark in the evening and my
mother sends me to bed,
I can see through my open window the
watchman walking up and down.

Question 1.
The common point between a gardener and a watchman is
(a) job
(b) poverty
(c) age
(d) freedom


(d) freedom

Question 2.
The speaker wants to become
(a) gardencr
(b) watchman
(c) free
(d) bangle seller


(c) free

Question 3.
The watchman comes on duty when
(a) the child sleeps
(b) the gardener comes
(c) the bangle seller comes
(d) the sun rises


(a) the child sleeps

Question 4.
The speaker is
(a) an old man
(b) a young man
(c) a child
(d) a woman


(c) a child

Question 5.
The word dark’ is
(a) noun
(b) verb
(c) adjective
(d) adverb


(c) adjective


The Zane is dark and lonely. and the street
lamp stands like a giant with one red eye In its head
The watchman swings his lantern and walks
with his shadow at his side, and never once
goes to bed in his life.
I wish I were a watchman walking the street
all night chasing the shadows with my lantern.

Question 1.
The lamp is dark because
(a) it is night
(b) the people don’t like light
(c) the weather is cloudy
(d) there is no moon


(a) it is night

Question 2.
The street is lonely because
(a) people fear to come out
(b) people are asleep
(c) there is curfew
(d) nobody lives In this lane


(b) people are asleep

Question 3.
The word giant’ refers to
(a) the watchman
(b) the shadow
(c) lantern
(d) the speaker


(c) lantern

Question 4.
The speaker
(a) looks at the watchman
(b) is a friend of the watchman
(c) is afraid of the watchman
(d) likes the life of a watch man


(d) likes the life of a watch man

Question 5.
The adjective form of lonely’ is
(a) loneliness
(b) lone
(c) loner
(d) alone


(b) lone


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