MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6 International Organisations with Answers

Question 1.
Mark correct or wrong against each of the following statements below about the Veto power:
(A) Only the permanent members of the Security Council possess the Veto power.
(B) It is a kind of negative power.
(C) The Secretary-General uses this power when not satisfied with any decision.
(D) One Veto can stall a Security Council resolution.


Answer: (A) Correct
(B) Correct
(C) Wrong
(D) Correct

Question 2.
Mark correct or wrong against each of the following statements below that describe the way the UN functions.
(A) All security and peace-related issues are dealt with in the Security Council.
(B) Humanitarian policies are implemented by the main organs and specialised agencies spread across the globe.
(C) Having consensus among the five permanent members on security issues is vital for its implementation.
(D) The members of the General Assembly are automatically the members of all other principal organs and specialised agencies of the U.N.


Answer: (A) Correct
(B) Correct
(C) Correct
(D) Wrong

Question 3.
Which among the following would give more weightage to India’s proposal for a permanent member in the Security Council.
(A) Nuclear Capability
(B) It has been a member of the UN since its inception
(C) It is located in Asia
(D) India growing economic power and stable political system


Answer: All the above

Question 4.
The U.N. agency concerned with the safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology is:
(A) The UN Committee on Disarmament
(B) International Atomic Energy Agency
(C) UN International Safeguard Committee
(D) None of the above


Answer: International Atomic Energy Agency

Question 5.
WTO is serving as the successor to which of the following organisations:
(A) General Agreement on Trade and Tariff
(B) General Arrangement on Trade and Tariff
(C) World Health Organisation
(D) UN Development Programme


Answer: General Agreement on Trade and Tariff

Question 6.
India became a member of the U.N. in:
(a) 1945
(b) 1947
(c) 1950
(d) 1962


Answer: (a) 1945

Question 7.
Who was the first woman President of the U.N. General Assembly?
(a) Sarojini Naidu
(b) Aruna Asaf Ali
(c) Vijay Lakshmi Pandit
(d) Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur


Answer: (c) Vijay Lakshmi Pandit

Question 8.
Which one of the following is not a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council?
(a) Russia
(b) India
(c) China
(d) France


Answer: (b) India

Question 9.
Who blocked the Second term for Boutros Ghali as Secretary-General?
(a) USA
(b) India
(C) France
(d) China


Answer: (a) USA

Question 10.
“The United Nations was not created to take humanity to the heaven, but to save it from the hell.” Who made this statement?
(a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Kofi Annan
(c) Ban Kimoon
(d) Dag Hammarskjold


Answer: (d) Dag Hammarskjold

Question 11.
The prime objective of the UN is ________


Answer: Maintenance of International Peace and security

Question 12.
The highest functionary of the UN is called _________


Answer: Secretary-General

Question 13.
The UN Security Council has permanent and ______ non-permanent members.


Answer: Five and Ten

Question 14.
_______ is the present UN Secretary-General.


Answer: Antonio Guterres

Question 15.
Match the principal organs and agencies of the UN with their functions.

1. Economic and Social Council(a) Overseas the global financial system
2. International Court of Justice(b) Preservation of International peace and security
3. International Atomic Energy Agency(c) Look into the economic and social welfare of the member countries
4. Security Council(d) Safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology
5. UN High Commission for Refugees(e) Resolve disputes between and among member countries
6. World Trade Organisation(f) Provide shelter and medical help during emergencies
7. International Monetary Fund(g) Debates and discusses global issues
8. General Assembly(h) Administration and Coordination of UN affairs
9. World Health Organisation(i) Providing good health for all
10. Secretariat(j) Facilitates free trade among member countries


1. Economic and Social Council(c) Look into the economic and social welfare of the member countries
2. International Court of Justice(e) Resolve disputes between and among member countries
3. International Atomic Energy Agency(d) Safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology
4. Security Council(b) Preservation of International peace and security
5. UN High Commission for Refugees(f) Provide shelter and medical help during emergencies
6. World Trade Organisation(j) Facilitates free trade among member countries
7. International Monetary Fund(a) Overseas the global financial system
8. General Assembly(g) Debates and discusses global issues
9. World Health Organisation(i) Providing good health for all
10. Secretariat(h) Administration and Coordination of UN affairs

Question 16.
When was San Francisco Conference held?


Answer: April 25, 1945

Question 17.
Who was the first woman president of the U.N. Assembly?


Answer: Smt. Vijay Luxmi Pandit

Question 18.
When did India become a member of the U.N.?


Answer: India is an original member and became a member of the U.N. in 1945.

Question 19.
Which member of the U.N. is the single largest contributor ¡n the U.N.?


Answer: U.S.A.

Question 20.
Name any two members who are having Veto power.


Answer: the U.S.A. and England

Question 21.
Which country is a serious contender for permanent members of the Security Council?


Answer: India

Question 22.
Which organisation sets rules for international trade?


Answer: World Trade Organisation.

Question 23.
Which NGO campaigns for the protection of human rights all over the world?


Answer: Amnesty international.

Question 24.
What is the full form of NGO?


Answer: Non-Governmental Organisation.

Question 25.
Who was the main mover in the Mine Ban Treaty of 1997?


Answer: The International Campaign to ban landmines, an NGO coalition was the prime mover in the Mine Ban Treaty of 1997.


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