MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity with Answers

Question 1.
Which among the following statements that describe the nature of the Soviet economy is wrong?
(a) Socialism was the dominant ideology
(b) State ownership/control existed over the factors of production
(c) People enjoyed economic freedom
(d) Every aspect of the economy was planned and controlled by the State


Answer: (c) People enjoyed economic freedom

Question 2.
Arrange the following in chronological order:
(a) Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
(b) Fall of the Berlin Wall
(c) Disintegration of the Soviet Union
(d) Russian Revolution.


Answer: (d) Russian Revolution
(a) Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
(b) Fall of the Berlin Wall
(e) Disintegration of the Soviet Union

Question 3.
Which among the following Is NOT an Outcome of the disintegration of the USS.R.?
(a) End of the ideological war between the U.S and U.S.S.R
(b) Birth of CTS
(c) Change in the balance of power in the world order
(d) Crises in the Middle East.


Answer: (d) Crises in the Middle East

Question 4.
Match the following:

(i) Mikhail Gorbachev(a) Successor of U.S.S.R.
(ii) Shock Therapy(b) Military pact
(iii) Russia(c) Introduced reforms
(iv) Boris Yeltsin(d) Economic model
(v) Warsaw(e) President of Russia

Answer: (i) – (e)
(ii) – (d)
(iii) – (a)
(iv) – (e)
(v) – (b)

Question 5.
In which year Gorbachev became General Secretary of the Communist Party of U.S.S.R.?
(a) 1989
(b) 1990
(c) 1987
(d) 1985


Answer: (d) 1985

Question 6.
Russia took over the U.S.S.R. seat in the U.N. in:
(a) December 1991
(b) November 1989
(c) December 1990
(d) October 1992.


Answer: (a) December 1991

Question 7.
Which one of the following was NOT given primacy by the makers of the Soviet System?
(a) Abolition of private property
(b) Society based on the principle of equality
(e) No opposition party to be allowed
(d) No state control over the economy


Answer: (d) No state control over the economy

Question 8.
The Soviet political system was based on _________ ideology.


Answer: Socialist

Question 9.
________ was the military alliance started by the U.S.S.R.


Answer: Warsaw Pact

Question 10.
_______ party dominated the Soviet Union’s political system.


Answer: Communist

Question 11.
______ initiated the reforms in the USSR in 1985.


Answer: Mikhail Gorbachev

Question 12.
The fall of the ________ symbolizes the end of the Cold War.


Answer: Berlin Wall

Question 13.
In which year Socialist Revolution took place in Russia?


Answer: 1917

Question 14.
In which year disintegration of the Soviet Union took place?


Answer: 1991

Question 15.
The collapse of which country is known as the collapse of ‘Second World’.


Answer: U.S.S.R.

Question 16.
In which year Warsaw Pact was disbanded?


Answer: July 1, 1991

Question 17.
With the collapse of which country did the Cold War come to an end?


Answer: Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.)

Question 18.
When the U.S.S.R. came into being?


Answer: after the October Revolution of 1917

Question 19.
In which year Gorbachev became General Secretary of the Communist Party of U.S.S.R.?


Answer: 1985

Question 20.
In which year Russia took over the U.S.S.R. seat in the U.N.?


Answer: December 1991

Question 21.
How many Union Republics were there in U.S.S.R.?


Answer: 15

Question 22.
Which leader of the U.S.S.R. started political and economic reforms in U.S.S.R.?


Answer: Mikhail Gorbachev


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