MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 4 Reproductive Health with Answers

Question 1.
In India, first consus was conducted in:
(a) 1851
(b) 1891
(c) 1921
(d) 1951


Answer: (b) 1891

Question 2.
Rapid decline in a population due to high mortality rate is called:
(a) Population density
(b) Population crash
(c) Population explosion
(d) All of these


Answer: (b) Population crash

Question 3.
Amniocentesis is a process to:
(a) Determine any disease ¡n the heart
(b) Know about diseases of brain
(c) Determine any hereditary disease in the embryo
(d) All of these


Answer: (c) Determine any hereditary disease in the embryo

Question 4.
‘Saheli’ a female antifertility pill, is used:
(a) Daily
(b) Weekly
(c) Quarterly
(d) Monthly


Answer: (a) Daily

Question 5.
Drug Ru-486 is used as :
(a) Contraceptive
(b) Abortive agent
(c) Amniocentesis
(d) Mutagen


Answer: (b) Abortive agent

Question 6.
The most effective method for birth control is:
(a) Abortion
(b) Oral pills
(c) Abstinence
(d) Sterilization


Answer: (d) Sterilization

Question 7.
Central drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow has developed a contraceptive named?
(a) Mala-D
(b) Combined pills
(c) Saheli
(d) Condoms


Answer: (c) Saheli

Question 8.
Which among these is not a natural method of birth control?
(a) Coitus intrruptus
(b) Periodic abstinence
(c) Vasectomy
(d) Lactational amenorrhoea


Answer: (b) Periodic abstinence

Question 9.
Which of these is cause by a retrovirus
(a) Gonorrhoea
(b) AIDS
(c) Trichomoniasis
(d) Syphillis


Answer: (b) AIDS

Question 10.
Fssay on Population was published by :
(a) Darwin
(b) Lamarck
(c) Malthus
(d) Hugo de vries


Answer: (c) Malthus

Question 11.
Surgical removed of testis of male of control the human population is:
(a) Castration
(b) Tubectomy
(c) Laparoscopy
(d) Vasectomy


Answer: (a) Castration

Question 12.
What is correct about the test-tube baby :
(a) Fertilization in female’s genital tract and growth in test tube
(b) Rearing of premature born baby in an incubator
(c) Fertilization outside and gestation inside mother’s womb or uterus
(d) Both fertilization and development are done outside the female genital tract


Answer: (c) Fertilization outside and gestation inside mother’s womb or uterus

Question 13.
The birth control device not used by women is?
(a) Diaphrame
(b) Oral pill
(c) Nirodh
(d) Copper-T


Answer: (c) Nirodh

Question 14.
The pre-natal technique to determine the gem. tic disorders in a foetus in called :
(a) Laprosocopy
(b) Amniocentesis
(c) Abstinence
(d) Coitus interrupts


Answer: (b) Amniocentesis

Question 15.
Test-tube baby is a technique where :
(a) Zygote is taken from the oviduct cultured and then implanted
(b) Ovum is taken out, then fertilized and implanted
(c) Sperms and ovum are fused and zygote grown in a test tube)
(d) All the above


Answer: (b) Ovum is taken out, then fertilized and implanted

Question 16.
Progesteron in the contraceptive pill:
(a) Prevents ovulation
(b) Inhibits estrogen
(c) Checks attachment of zygote to endometrium
(d) All the above


Answer: (a) Prevents ovulation

Question 17.
A method of both control is:
(a) GIFT
(b) HJF
(c) IVF-T
(d) IUDs


Answer: (d) IUDs

Question 18.
Which is related to makes?
(a) Oral pill
(b) Tubectomy
(c) Vasectomy
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Vasectomy

Question 19.
Copper-T prevents:
(a) Fertilization
(b) Ovulation
(c) Formation of embryo on the wall of Uterus
(d) Interrupt reproductive duct


Answer: (b) Ovulation

Question 20.
Lactational Amenorrhoea is related to :
(a) Temporary method of contraception
(b) Absence of menstruation
(c) Permanent method of contraception
(d) ASTD name


Answer: (a) Temporary method of contraception


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