MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 13 Organisms and Populations with Answers

Question 1.
Habitat together with functions of a species constitute its:
(a) Topography
(b) Trophic level
(c) Boundary
(d) Ecological niche


Answer: (d) Ecological niche

Question 2.
The maximum growth rate occurs in :
(a) Lag phase
(b) Exponential, phase
(c) Stationary phase
(d) Senescent phase


Answer: (b) Exponential, phase

Question 3.
In which one of the following habitats, does the diurnal temperature of soil surface veiw most?
(a) Shrub land
(b) Forest
(c) Desert
(d) Grassland


Answer: (c) Desert

Question 4.
Science linking heredity with environment is:
(a) Ecology
(b) Ecophysiology
(c) Genecology
(d) Genetics


Answer: (c) Genecology

Question 5.
Submerged hydrophytes havedisseced leaves for:
(a) Decreasing surface area
(b) Increasing surface area
(c) Reducing effect pf water currents
(d) Increasing number of stomata


Answer: (c) Reducing effect pf water currents

Question 6.
Water holding capacity is maximum in:
(a) Clay
(b) Sand
(c) Silt
(d) Gravel


Answer: (a) Clay

Question 7.
Animals undergo inactive stage during winters. It is called :
(a) Acclimatisation
(b) Hibernation
(c) Aestivation
(d) Adapatation


Answer: (b) Hibernation

Question 8.
Praying mantis is a good example of:
(a) Camouflage
(b) Mullarian mimicry
(c) Warning colouration
(d) Social insect


Answer: (a) Camouflage

Question 9.
Niche overlap is:
(a) Mutualism between two species
(b) Active cooperation between two species
(c) Tjvo different parasites on same food
(d) Sharing resources between two species


Answer: (d) Sharing resources between two species

Question 10.
Animals have innate ability to escape from predation. Select the incorrect example:
(a) Colour change in Chameleon
(b) Enlargement of body by swallowing air in puffer fish
(c) Poison fangas of snakes
(d) Melaninin in moths


Answer: (c) Poison fangas of snakes

Question 11.
Ozone protects biosphere from high energetic:
(a) Infra-red rays
(b) Ultraviolet rays
(c) X-rays
(d) gamma rays


Answer: (b) Ultraviolet rays

Question 12.
Avicennia, Rhizophora andAtriplex are:
(a) Xerophytes
(b) Halophytes
(c) Hydrophytes
(d) Mesophytes


Answer: (b) Halophytes

Question 13.
Maximum amounts of humus occurs on:
(a) In lower most layer
(b) In upper layer
(c) In Middle layer
(d) Same everywhere


Answer: (b) In upper layer

Question 14.
Mycorrhiza is an example to:
(a) Decomposers
(b) Endoparasitism
(c) Symbiotic relationship
(d) Ectoparasitism


Answer: (c) Symbiotic relationship

Question 15.
Plants growing in saline soil with high salt concentration are:
(a) Xerophytes
(b) Halophytes
(c) Heliophytes
(d) Hydrophytes


Answer: (b) Halophytes

Question 16.
When births are equal to deaths, it is:
(a) Plateau stage
(b) Exponential stage
(c) Early growth stage
(d) Acceleration stage


Answer: (a) Plateau stage

Question 17.
Which plants is found in mangroove zone?
(a) Rhizophora
(b) Acacia
(c) Pinus
(d) Tectona grandis


Answer: (a) Rhizophora

Question 18.
Soil transported by air is:
(a) Alluvial
(b) Glacial
(c) Colluvial
(d) Eolian


Answer: (d) Eolian


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