MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 7 Birth with Answers

Question 1.
What can you say about Dr. Andrew after reading “Birth”?
(a) He did not put all his efforts
(b) He fulfilled his obligations well as a doctor
(c) His skills were not enough
(d) He was arrogant


Answer: (b) He fulfilled his obligations well as a doctor

Question 2.
Why is the lesson named “Birth”?
(a) Because the doctor is specialist in childbirths
(b) Because a lot of childbirths take place
(c) Because it is about birth of a child
(d) Because it talks about philosophy of life


Answer: (c) Because it is about birth of a child

Question 3.
During the whole incident, Joe did not enter the house. Why?
(a) Because he was superstitious
(b) Because he didn’t want to disturb
(c) Because he didn’t want to see the child
(d) Because he was anxious


Answer: (d) Because he was anxious

Question 4.
“But her hands were together, her lips moved without sound.” Who is her?
(a) Susan
(b) Midwife
(c) Mrs. Morgan’s mother
(d) Not clear from the story


Answer: (c) Mrs. Morgan’s mother

Question 5.
How long did it take for Andrew’s efforts to yield results?
(a) Fifteen minutes
(b) All efforts went into vain
(c) One hour
(d) Half an hour


Answer: (d) Half an hour

Question 6.
What did Andrew remember in the middle of ongoing treatment?
(a) About his love for Christine
(b) Morgan family’s longing for a child
(c) His time in Samaritan
(d) About his obligation as a doctor


Answer: (b) Morgan family’s longing for a child

Question 7.
How did Andrew try to save the still born?
(a) Using a special method of respiration
(b) Calling Dr. Edward
(c) Taking him to a hospital
(d) Giving him blood


Answer: (a) Using a special method of respiration

Question 8.
What all things did Andrew use in the treatment?
(a) Hot and cold water
(b) Basins and towels
(c) A blanket
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 9.
What did Andrew conclude from the whiteness of the child?
(a) That he was dead
(b) That he suffered from lack of oxygen
(c) That he should be taken to hospital
(d) That Andrew couldn’t save him


Answer: (b) That he suffered from lack of oxygen

Question 10.
In the dilemma he faced, what did Andrew do?
(a) Check upon Susan first
(b) Check upon the child first
(c) Ran away
(d) Left it to handle to the midwife


Answer: (a) Check upon Susan first

Question 11.
How was the newborn child?
(a) Healthy
(b) Lifeless
(c) Underweight
(d) Anaemic


Answer: (b) Lifeless

Question 12.
“Don’t fret, mother, I’ll not run away.” Why did Andrew say this?
(a) To reassure Mrs. Morgan’s mother
(b) To fulfill his obligations
(c) To break the silence
(d) To handle a critical situation well


Answer: (a) To reassure Mrs. Morgan’s mother


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