GK Questions (Static GK/GS)
1. Which of the following features of Indian temples resembles pylons of the Egyptian temples?
2. Who among the following has been described by Banabhatta as “a lion to the Huna deer’?
3. What is the other name of aurora borealis?
4. In context with the financial markets in India, which among the following aims to trap the innocent investors and intends to create huge false volumes?
5. SOFAR is a phenomenon which plays an important role in submarine warfare & also known as deep sound channel. Which of the following is correct full form of SOFAR?
6. In which year Nawab of Bengal Sirajuddaula, attacked British Factory in Calcutta?
7. Which of the following states in India is known for largest net irrigated area in India?
8. Archeological Survey of India has been working from December 2003 for restoration of Ta Prohm Temple in which among the following countries?
9. At which rate, Reserve Bank of India borrows money from commercial banks?
10. Who among the following invented the vacuum pump?