687). Which of the following is a stateless protocol?


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688). What does the value 2 of the WebSocket attribute Socket.readyState indicate?

[A]Closed connection
[B]Handshake connection
[C]Unestablished connection
[D] Established connection and communication is possible

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689). How many WebSocket events are available?


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690). Which method is used to close the WebSocket?


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691). How does the client and the server communicate following the rules defined by the WebSocket protocol?

[A]Long-lived TCP Socket
[B]Short-lived TCP Socket
[C]UDP Socket
[D]HTTP Socket

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692). Which of the following is not a socket property?


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693). What does the following JavaScript code snippet do?
var httpserver = new http.Server();

[A]Create an HTTP Server
[B]Create HTTP Connection between Client and Server
[C]HTTP Server & Connection
[D]Create a connection between two servers

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694). How can we check the subprotocol being used by the client?
var httpserver = new http.Server();

[A] subprotocol property
[B]protocol property
[C] clientprotocol property
[D] client property

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695). How will you transmit data using the connection?
var httpserver = new http.Server();

[B] Socket.send(“data”)

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696). Which of the following is not a WebSocket event?
var httpserver = new http.Server();


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697). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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698). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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699). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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700). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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701). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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