567). What is the advantage of the code produced graphics being smaller than the images themselves?

[A]Bandwidth saving
[B]Increase in bandwidth
[C] Dynamic advantages
[D] Static advantage

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568). Which of the following uses a lot of CPU cycles?

[B] Statically generated graphics
[C]Dynamically generated graphics
[D] Images

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570). What is the purpose of image replacement?

[A]To replace an image
[B]To implement special effects
[C]Removal of image rollovers
[D] Implementation of image rollovers

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571). When is JavaScript called obtrusive?

[A]JavaScript code is medium sized
[B] JavaScript code is small
[C] JavaScript code is so large
[D]JavaScript code is Very small

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572). Which is a possible way of finding all the img elements in the document?

[D] doc(img)

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573). Which of the following elements are used to include audio?


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574). Which of the following attributes are common to both audio and video?


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575). Which of the following is not the property of the video tag?


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576). Which of the following is the parameter used to invoke the Audio() constructor?

[A] File type
[B]Music type
[C] Both File and Music
[D]Video type

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577). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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578). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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579). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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580). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?

[A]1 000 000
[B]1 0 00000
[C]100 000 0

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581). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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