517). Which property helps to initiate the HTTP requests?


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518). Which method is an alternative of the property location of a window object?


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519). Which of the following uses scripted HTTP?


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520). Which of the below is a liberal reverse of Ajax?


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521). The other name for Comet is _____________

[A]Server Push
[B]Ajax Push
[C] HTTP Streaming
[D]All of the mentioned

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522). Which is the element that has a src property to initiate HTTP GET request?

[D]both img and script

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523). XMLHttpRequest is a ____________

[C]Both Object and Class

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524). Which of the following are the features of an HTTP request?

[A]URL being requested
[B]Optional request body
[C] Optional set of request headers
[D]All of the mentioned

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525). Which of the following is a feature of the HTTP response?

[A]Mandatory response body
[B]Optional response body
[C]URL being released
[D]Optional set of response headers

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526). Which is the appropriate code to begin a HTTP GET request?

[B] request.open(GET,”data.csv”);
[D] request.open(“GET”);

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