371). The URL property belongs to which of the following object?


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372). What does the location property represent?

[A]Current DOM object
[B]Current URL
[C]Both DOM object and URL

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373). Which among the following is not a property of the Location object?


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374). What is the return type of the hash property?

[A] Query string
[D]Fragment identifier

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375). What is the function used to extract arguments from the search property of a URL?


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376). The decodeURIComponent() is defined by _____________

[A]Server-side JavaScript
[B]Client-side JavaScript
[C]Both Server-side and Client-side JavaScript
[D]Service side JavaScript

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377). Which is the method that removes the current document from the browsing history before loading the new document?


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378). Why is the replace() method better than the assign() method?

[B]Highly manageable
[C]More efficient
[D]Handles unconditional loading

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379). What is the purpose of the assign() method?

[A] Only loading
[B]Loading of window and display
[C]Displays already present window
[D]Unloading of window

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380). .The history property belongs to which object?


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381). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?




function myFunction() { var x = document.getElementsByTagName("P").item(0); alert(x.innerHTML); }


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382). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?




function myFunction() { var l = document.getElementsByTagName("P").length; alert(l); }


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383). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


function myFunction() { var x = document.getElementsByTagName("P").namedItem("Element"); alert(x.innerHTML); }


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384). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?



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385). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?

  My title


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