213). The Crockford’s subset does not include which function in JavaScript?

[A] eval()
[B] coeval()
[D] equivalent()

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214). What does javascript use instead of == and !=?

[A]It uses bitwise checking
[B]It uses === and !== instead
[C] It uses equals() and notequals() instead
[D] It uses equalto()

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215). What is being imposed on each subset to ensure that it conforms to the subset?

[A]A parser to parse the code
[B]A parser that parses and adds to the subset
[C] A static verifier that parses code
[D]A predefined function to parse the code

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216). Why was “The Good Parts” designed as a language subset in JavaScript?

[A]To improve programmer flexibility
[B]To balance the workload of the programmer
[C] To create an in-built compiler and interpreter
[D]To improve programmer productivity

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217). Which is the subset that is a secure container designed for the purpose of safely running untrusted JavaScript?

[B] The Good Parts
[C]Both Sandbox and Good Parts
[D]Web browser

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218). Why is this keyword not preferred in JavaScript?

[A] Highly memory consuming
[B]Functions should access the global objects
[C]Functions should not access the global objects
[D] Very inefficient to use

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219). Which are the two functions that are not allowed in any secure subset?

[A]evaluate() and restrict()
[B]eval() and the Function() constructor
[C] debugger() and test()
[D]eval() and debugger()

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220). Which is the object that defines methods that allow complete control over page content?

[A]The client-side document object
[B]The server-side document object
[C]Both client-side and server-side document object
[D]Web document object

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221). Which was one of the first security subsets proposed?


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222). Which is the subset that transforms web content into secure modules that can be safely hosted on a web page?

[A] Microsoft Web Sandbox

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223). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var set = new Set();  
for (let elements of set) 
    document.writeln(elements+" ");  

[C]one two

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224). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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225). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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226). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var itr=set.values();  


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227). What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?


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