873). How many properties are available in a memory object?


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874). What is a heap in JavaScript?

[A]Collection of Java objects
[B]Collection of JavaScript objects
[C]Collection of memory usage values
[D]Collection of data stored in memory

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875). What is the function of the memory object?

[A]Gets unused memory details
[B]Shows optimization
[C]Gets memory usage
[D]Memory optimization

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876). What is the command to access the Heap size limit?

[A]performance.memory. SizeLimit
[B]performance.memory. jsHeapSizeLimit

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877). What is the purpose of garbage collection?

[A]Removes object with many reference
[B]Removes object with reference
[C]Removes object with invalid reference
[D] Removes object with no reference

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878). What does the usedJsHeapSize property indicate?

[A]Amount of memory used
[B]Amount of memory unused
[C]Amount of memory used & unused
[D]Amount of memory required

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879). Which of the following property indicate the total size of the heap?


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880). What can be done to monitor the memory usage?

[D]Serializing & Sequencing

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881). Which of the following gives the high level breakdown of memory usage?

[D] about::memory

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882). Which keyword must be used to get a more granular insight into the memory usage?


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