627). How can we define the term Performance?

[A]Speed of the input takes in
[B]Speed of the output display
[C] Speed at which application functions
[D]Speed of data transmission

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628). When is an application said to show a web performance?

[A] Time to respond
[B]Time to load
[C]Time to send a request
[D] Time to receive data

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629). When is an application said to show a runtime performance?

[A]Speed of response to user
[B]Speed of user request
[C]Speed of sending data
[D]Speed of receiving data

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630). What does the span of time waiting for the page to be useful depending on?

[A]Runtime performance
[B]Web performance
[D]Runtime performance & Speed

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631). What is the advantage of the code produced graphics being smaller than the images themselves?

[A]Bandwidth saving
[B]Increase in bandwidth
[C]Dynamic advantages
[D]Static advantages

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632). In order to skip or seek to the desired location in a sound or video, which property becomes helpful?


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633). Which of the following shows a better runtime performance for coalescing functionality, using functions, and using objects?

[A]Firefox unwoundfun
[B]Firefox UsingFunct
[C] Firefox UsingObject
[D]Firefox UsingStruct

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634). Which of the following shows a poorer runtime performance for coalescing functionality, using functions, and using objects?

[A]Firefox unwoundfun
[B]Firefox UsingFunct
[C]Firefox UsingObject
[D]Firefox UsingStruct

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635). In how many modes can the Closure compiler be run?


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636). What is the purpose of the advanced mode in the Closure compiler?

[A] Removing the variables and other parameters
[B]Renaming the variables and other parameters
[C]Slight alteration to improve the runtime performance
[D]Calls the function

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