883). When does the browser stop rendering the HTML?

[A]Inline JavaScript block
[B]External JavaScript file
[C]Both Inline JavaScript block & External JavaScript file
[D]External HTML file

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884). Which of the following handles painting the content on to the screen?

[A]Rendering engine
[B]JavaScript Interpreter
[C] UI Layer
[D]Network Layer

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885). What does the rendering engine do when it encounters JavaScript?

[A]Skips the code
[B] Continues painting
[C]Switches to Javascript Interpreter
[D] Restructures the code

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886). Which of the following runs the JavaScript code?

[A]Just In Time compiler
[B] JavaScript Interpreter
[C]Both Just In Time compiler and JavaScript Interpreter
[D] Javascript compiler

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887). Which of the following layer retrieves the content from the network?

[A]Transport Layer
[B] Application Layer
[C]Network Layer
[D]Physical Layer

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888). Which of the following gets converted to DOM elements by the rendering engine?


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889). Which of the below does not belong to the Render Engine workflow?

[A]Paint DOM elements
[B]Parse Content
[C]Build DOM nodes in render tree
[D]Parse identifiers

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890). Which is the next step after retrieving the content in chunks?

[A]Paint DOM elements
[B] Parse Content
[C]Build DOM nodes in render tree
[D] Layout positioning of DOM elements

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891). What will happen after executing the script?

[A] Execute script
[B] Layout positioning of DOM elements
[C]Paint DOM elements
[D] Build DOM nodes in render tree

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892). What would happen if there were no script tags?

[A]Build DOM nodes in render tree
[B]Layout positioning of DOM elements
[C]Paint DOM elements
[D]Execute script

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