488). What is the purpose of the Node object property ownerDocument?

[A]Returns the root element
[B]Returns the last element
[C] Returns the parent node
[D]Returns the immediate node

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489). Which of the following Node object property returns the local part of the name of a node?


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490). What is the property textContent?

[A]Sets the textual content of a node
[B]Returns the textual content of a node
[C]Sets & Returns the textual content of a node
[D]Modifies texual content

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492). Which of the following Node object property returns the node immediately before a node?


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493). What is the purpose of the method getUserData(key)?

[A] Returns the associated object
[B]Gets the user data
[C]Returns the user data
[D]Gets the user key

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494). How to test if two nodes are equal?

[D] equalto()

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495). How to associate an object to a key on a node?

[A] getUserData()

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496). Which method is used to compare the placement of two nodes in the DOM hierarchy (document)?

[A] compareDocumentPosition()
[B] cloneNode()

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