401). Each tab in the single web browser window is called as ____________

[A]Browser Information
[B] Browsing context
[C]Both Browser Information & Browsing context
[D]Browser Log

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402). Nested documents inside the HTML documents can be created using ___________


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403). How are windows, tabs, iframes, and frames treated according to client-side javascript?

[A]They are all browsing contexts
[B]They are all browsing information
[C]They are all Window contexts
[D]They are all Window objects

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404). How are windows, tabs, iframes, and frames treated according to javascript?

[A] They are all browsing contexts
[B]They are all browsing information
[C] They are all Window contexts
[D]They are all Window objects

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405). A new web browser window can be opened using which method of the Window object?


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406). What will happen if the first argument of open() is omitted?

[A]Error Page
[B]Remains in the same page
[C] about:blank
[D]Reloads the page

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407). Which object serves as the global object at the top of the scope chain?


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408). Which is the property of a Window object that holds the name of the frame?


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409). When will the fourth argument to open() useful?

[A]When the second argument names a retired window
[B] When the first argument names an existing window
[C]When the second argument names an existing window
[D]When the first argument names a retired window

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410). The inner frame within a top-level window can be referred to as _____________

[C] parent*parent

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