346). The libraries that build a new higher-level API for client-side programming is ____________


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347). Which of the following is not a framework?


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348). Which of the following frameworks focuses on DOM and Ajax utilities?

[D]Both jQuery and Prototype

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349). What is the purpose of the Dojo framework?

[A] Focuses on DOM and Ajax utilities
[B] Advertises incredible depth
[C]Ajax utilities

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350). Which is the in-house library of Yahoo!?


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351). What does Dojo and YUI have in common?

[A]Facilitates DOM utilities and UI Widgets
[B]Does not facilitates DOM utilities and UI Widgets
[C]Client-side library
[D]Server-side library

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352). What are the two incompatible versions of YUI?

[A]YUI1 and YUI2
[B] YUI2 and YUI4
[C]YUI1 and YUI3
[D]YUI2 and YUI3

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353). Which of the following framework was used by Google for Gmail?


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354). Which of the following is a web application API framework?


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355). Which is more widely used than GWT in Google?


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