802). How many default number methods are available in JavaScript?


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803). What is the observer effect?

[A]Observing influences outcome
[B]Observing never influences outcome
[C]Observing and the outcome are independent
[D]Observing and the outcome are not related

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804). Which of the following are ways to benchmark code?

[A]Timing the code
[B]Calculating the number of operations performed
[C]Timing the code & Calculating the number of operations performed
[D]Calculating the number of lines

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805). How to calculate the run time of a code?

[A]Start time – End time
[B] End time – Start time
[C]Start time/ End time
[D]Start time * End time

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806). According to the workflow of a runtime logging, what happens after calculating the run time?

[A]Display to screen
[B] Log to server
[C]Either Display to screen or Log to server
[D]Server to log

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807). Which of the following object is used to post the data to an external process, say savePerfData?


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808). Where does the external process save the result of the test?

[A]Normal file
[B]Flat file
[D] .exe file

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809). Which function is used to start the time logging?


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810). Which of the following attribute of form tag is not set by using document object in JavaScript?


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811). What will be the output of the following JavaScript function?

[A]SanfoundryThe Best
[B]Sanfoundry The Best
[C] Object required error
[D]Javascript Error

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