842). Which of the following property gives access to the JavaScript memory usage data?

[B] memory(performance)
[C] performance(memory)

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843). What is the purpose of the timing property in the window.performance object?

[A]Time of navigation event
[B]Time of page load event
[C]Time of navigation and page load event
[D] Time of scrolling

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844). Which of the following property is associated with the Response event?

[C]both responseStart and responseEnd

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845). Which of the following computation is correct to calculate the time taken for page load once the page is received from the server?

[D] responseEnd/loadEventEnd

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846). Which of the following property is associated with the Processing event?


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847). What does it indicate when the type attribute of the navigation object is set to 2?

[A]Navigation by moving back through history
[B]Navigation by moving forward through history
[C]Navigation by moving back & forward through history
[D]Navigation by moving in favorites

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848). What does it indicate when the type attribute of the navigation object is set to 2?

[A]Navigation by moving back through history
[B]Navigation by moving forward through history
[C]Navigation by moving back & forward through history
[D]Navigation by moving in favorites

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849). What does the method Performance.now() return?


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850). Which of the following is a read-only property?

[C]PerformanceTiming.navigationStart & PerformanceTiming.fetchStart

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851). Which of the following is an interface?


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852). How many properties are associated with the Response event?


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