822). What is necessary when we need to create a new field in craft?

[A]Type of the input
[B]Type of the output
[C] Type of the field
[D]Type of argument

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823). What does the getInputHtml() return?

[B]Fieldtype’s input HTML

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824). How many arguments does the getInputHtml() accept?


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825). Which is the method used to process on the input post data before it is saved to the database?


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826). What is the purpose of the parameter $name ?

[A]Document Name
[B]Input Name
[C] Output Name
[D] ID

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827). What does the method defineSettings() return?

[A]Array of settings name
[B]Array of hash key
[C] Array of strings
[D]Array of objects

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828). What is the purpose of the parameter $value?

[A]Field’s expected value
[B]Field’s previous value
[C]Field’s current value
[D]Field’s probability value

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829). When does the defineContentAttribute() method return a false?

[A]Data stored in different table
[B] Data stored in its own table
[C]Data is not stored at all
[D]Data is not obtained

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830). How many events does the BaseFieldType provide?


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831). Which method is called right before a field is saved?


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