301). The main purpose of JavaScript in web browser is to ___________

[A]Creating animations and other visual effects
[B]User Interface
[C] Visual effects
[D]User experience

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302). A JavaScript program can traverse and manipulate document content through __________

[A]Element Object
[B]Document Object
[C]Both Element and Document Object
[D] Data object

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303). The behaviour of the document elements can be defined by __________

[A]Using document object
[B]Registering appropriate event handlers
[C]Using element object
[D]Using data element

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304). The service(s) that enables networking through scripted HTTP requests is __________


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305). The HTML5 specification does not includes __________

[A]Data storage
[B] Graphics APIs
[C]Other APIs for web apps
[D] Networking

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306). Which of the following is not an advanced services?

[A] Data storage
[C]XMLHttpRequest object
[D]Graphics APIs

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307). JavaScript code between a pair of “script” tags are called __________

[A] Non-inline

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