240). To retrieve the character at index 3 from string s=”Hello” what command do we execute (multiple answers allowed)?


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242). If a class defines the __str__(self) method, for an object obj for the class, you can use which command to invoke the __str__ method.

[C]print obj
[D]all of the mentioned

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243). To check whether string s1 contains another string s2, use ________

[B]s2 in s1

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245). What will be the output of the following Python code?
class Count:
    def __init__(self, count = 0):
       self.__count = count
c1 = Count(2)
c2 = Count(2)
print(id(c1) == id(c2), end = " ")
s1 = "Good"
s2 = "Good"
print(id(s1) == id(s2))

[A]True False
[B]True True
[C]False True
[D]False False

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246). What will be the output of the following Python code?
class Name:
    def __init__(self, firstName, mi, lastName):
        self.firstName = firstName
        self.mi = mi
        self.lastName = lastName
firstName = "John"
name = Name(firstName, 'F', "Smith")
firstName = "Peter"
name.lastName = "Pan"
print(name.firstName, name.lastName)

[A]Peter Pan
[B]John Pan
[C]Peter Smith
[D]John Smith

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247). What function do you use to read a string?
class Name:
    def __init__(self, firstName, mi, lastName):
        self.firstName = firstName
        self.mi = mi
        self.lastName = lastName
firstName = "John"
name = Name(firstName, 'F', "Smith")
firstName = "Peter"
name.lastName = "Pan"
print(name.firstName, name.lastName)

[A]input(“Enter a string”)
[B]eval(input(“Enter a string”))
[C]enter(“Enter a string”)
[D]eval(enter(“Enter a string”))

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248). Suppose x is 345.3546, what is format(x, “10.3f”) (_ indicates space).
class Name:
    def __init__(self, firstName, mi, lastName):
        self.firstName = firstName
        self.mi = mi
        self.lastName = lastName
firstName = "John"
name = Name(firstName, 'F', "Smith")
firstName = "Peter"
name.lastName = "Pan"
print(name.firstName, name.lastName)


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