283). What will be the output of the following Java snippet, if attempted to compile and run this code with command line argument “java abc Rakesh Sharma”?
public class abc
	int a=2000;
        public static void main(String argv[])
	    System.out.println(argv[1]+" :-Please pay Rs."+a);

[A]Compile time error
[B]Compilation but runtime error
[C]Compilation and output Rakesh :-Please pay Rs.2000
[D]Compilation and output Sharma :-Please pay Rs.2000

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284). What will be the output of the following Java snippet, if attempted to compile and execute?
class abc
    public static void main(String args[])

[A]The snippet compiles, runs and prints 0
[B]The snippet compiles, runs and prints 1
[C] The snippet does not compile
[D]The snippet compiles and runs but does not print anything

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285). What will be the output of the following Java snippet, if compiled and executed with command line argument “java abc 1 2 3”?
public class abc
   static public void main(String [] xyz)
       for(int n=1;n

[A]1 2
[B]2 3
[C]1 2 3
[D]Compilation error

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286). What will be the output of the following Java code snippet running with “java demo I write java code”?
public class demo
   public static void main(String args[])

[A]The snippet compiles, runs and prints “java demo”
[B]The snippet compiles, runs and prints “java code”
[C]The snippet compiles, runs and prints “demo code”
[D]The snippet compiles, runs and prints “I code”

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287). What will be the output of the following Java snippet, if compiled and executed with command line “hello there”?
public class abc
    String[] xyz;
    public static void main(String argv[])
    public void runMethod()

[A]Compile time error
[B]Output would be “hello”
[C]Output would be “there”
[D]Output would be “hello there”

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288). How do we pass command line argument in Eclipse?
public class abc
    String[] xyz;
    public static void main(String argv[])
    public void runMethod()

[A]Arguments tab
[B]Variable tab
[C]Cannot pass command line argument in eclipse
[D]Environment variable tab

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289). Which class allows parsing of command line arguments?
public class abc
    String[] xyz;
    public static void main(String argv[])
    public void runMethod()

[C]Command Line

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290). Which annotation is used to represent command line input and assigned to correct data type?
public class abc
    String[] xyz;
    public static void main(String argv[])
    public void runMethod()

[B] @Variable
[C]@Command Line
[D] @Parameter

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291). What will be the output of the following Java code snippet run as $ java Demo –length 512 –breadth 2 -h 3?
class Demo {
    int length;
    int breadth;
    int height;
    public static void main(String args[]) 
        Demo demo = new Demo();
        new JCommander(demo, args);
    public void run() 
        System.out.println(length+" "+ breadth+" "+height);

[A]2 512 3
[B]2 2 3
[C]512 2 3
[D]512 512 3

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292). What is the use of @syntax?
class Demo {
    int length;
    int breadth;
    int height;
    public static void main(String args[]) 
        Demo demo = new Demo();
        new JCommander(demo, args);
    public void run() 
        System.out.println(length+" "+ breadth+" "+height);

[A]Allows multiple parameters to be passed
[B]Allows one to put all your options into a file and pass this file as a parameter
[C]Allows one to pass only one parameter
[D]Allows one to pass one file containing only one parameter

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